PVC suction hose is famous for the flexibility. Although the level can vary depend on the special structure and design of the hose. Here are some key points.
Bend Radius
PVC suction hose has a small bend radius, which means it can bend or flex to a extent without kink. The bend radius refers to the min radius a hose can be bent without damage. PVC suction hose is flexible, which allows it to maintain flow even in curved or tight spaces.
PVC suction pipe often features reinforce in the form of a helical wire or rigid PVC helix. While this provides stability and support to the hose. Besides, it prevent the suction hose from collapsing under vacuum or during bending. It also enhances the overall flexibility of the hose while remains its shape.
It is important to note that the flexibility of PVC suction hose can vary because of temperature. PVC material tends to become stiffer in lower temp, which can affect the flexibility of the hose. Therefore, in extremely cold weather, the hose will no longer as flexible as normal.
Special use
Different uses ask the hose for various flexibility. For instance, in some industrial use, a highly flexible hose is more better. In other cases, a moderately flexible hose may be ideal for straight runs.