The magical material Teflon originated from an accidental discovery in the laboratory of DuPont in the United States. In the 1930s, researchers accidentally discovered a polymer with extraordinary properties, PTFE, while studying a new refrigerant. Subsequently, DuPont invested a lot of resources in research. And successfully applied this material to various fields, including Teflon hose.
Features of Teflon hose
High chemical stability
Teflon is a highly stable polymer. It has excellent corrosion resistance, non-stickiness and self-lubricating properties. This allows it to be used in various extreme conditions, including high-pressure environments.
High strength and high elasticity
The molecular chain of Teflon is very flexible. It allows it to maintain a good shape and size when under pressure. At the same time, its high strength also allows it to withstand large tensile forces without breaking easily.
Low friction coefficient
Teflon has a smooth surface and no pores. Therefore, it has an extremely low friction coefficient. This allows it to reduce resistance and improve efficiency when conveying liquids or gases. This is especially important for situations where fluids need to be quickly transmitted under high-pressure environments.
#PTFE hose# #Teflon Hose#